We sometimes hear of the commentary that schools are very busy places especially at this time of year, we hear that Students are under pressure, teachers are stressed and parents are finding it difficult to parent. It may be the case, but here in St. Michael's College we can handle all that and perform consistently in examination results, extra-curricular achievements and look after our health & wellbeing. We care for each other by working together to maintain high levels of attainment. Digital Technology has entered the learning space of schools in Ireland. We in St. Michael's have embraced the Digital age through the vision of our principal Mr. Mulvihill, who took on the challenge and started the integration of eBooks and e-learning in St. Michael's College 5 years ago. Let's face it, we all use digital devices everyday in our lives, does it make life easier? Yes of course. Our young people have lived with technology since they were born, they roll their eyes to heaven when we, parents and teachers, reminisce about when we had only two channels on the television and no internet. What can we learn from our young students about using technology? Well, the speed at which information and knowledge is available to young people is fantastic. The shared learning that happens online is wonderful, the development of independent learners can only enhance and cultivate the creativity of our students. So the question is, why do we need teachers and textbooks? We need teachers, textbooks (e-Books) and apps to guide the learner and the learning. We will continue to enhance teaching and learning through the use of Technology allowing our students to be Digitally Literate. Defining Digital Literacy is ''the interest, attitudes and ability of individuals to appropriately use digital technology and communication tools to access, manage, integrate, analyse and evaluate information, construct new knowledge, create and communicate with others'' We are delighted to announce that St. Michael's College is selected as one of 25 schools in Ireland to participate in a European Project called ATS2020. This project aims to look at what Assessment Transversal (Key) Skills are being developed in our Education Systems in Europe. The spin off for our school is that we will have access to the most modern teaching and learning methodologies available to our teachers and students. So students, whether it's the ipad, the laptop or the pen that is more appealing to you, do your best and make your parents, teachers and school proud, even though we are very proud of you already.