The Student Day
The School Day
Students should arrive in school at 8.50am, take what books they need from their lockers and go to class on the first bell which rings at 8.55am. Class begins at 9.00am and finishes at 3.40 pm. Monday to Thursday Class periods are of 40 minute duration with 9 classes in the day. Friday Class periods are of 40 minute duration with 6 classes in the day. School finishes at 1.15pm. Supervised study takes place from 2.00 to 4.00. There is no Night Study on Fridays. Supervised Study Supervised study takes place from 4.15 to 6.15, and Night Study takes place from 7.00 to 10.00. Morning Break For the morning break, the college has a dedicated canteen which sells sandwiches, fruit, healthy drinks, soup and meals etc. It is located in the Assembly Hall. Lunchtime 1.15pm – 2.00pm Hot lunches, soup, sandwiches, fruit, and healthy drinks are served in the Canteen at lunch time. Every effort is made to keep the food on offer healthy as well as attractive to the students. Lunch Time Activities Junior students are not allowed to leave the school grounds during lunch. Activities are organised which include: football, basketball, table tennis, pool, indoor soccer, debating, chess, and games etc. |